
How good might you feel after a Pilates Class?

More energised and yet relaxed?

More mobile and flexible?

Stronger and more confident?

Fun & friendly groups

Mixed ages and abilities

Gentle, yet challenging exercises

Have some me-time

Move your body

Beginners welcome

Join a group and see how you feel!

Booking required in all classes

Spaces limited. Large Hall, lots of space

Learn from an instructor with a Physiotherapy degree!

How I teach

I love teaching the basics to beginners and then helping them progress as they gain confidence

Adults of all ages welcome,
from beginners and beyond.
Movements modified to suit you

Classes aim to work on core stability, flexibility, strength, breath work, balance, posture, movement, co-ordination, relaxation and more! 

Imagine feeling more flexible, stronger, calmer, energised, relaxed and more connected to your body and to your new-found community!

Instructor has a keen interest in bone & joint health as well as exercise during menopause

Book your place now! 
Photo of Pilates instructor doing a seated arm and chest stretch

"The de-stressing effects of breathing exercises and well deserved relaxation at the end of the class leave us fully refreshed to embrace the day. Thank you so much, Katie, for all your help and encouragement." - Mel

"Katie's particularly good at tailoring the exercises to an easier or harder level, depending on the individual, and the small class sizes means she is aware of everyone’s needs." - Caroline

Email Me

photo of Pilates instructor outside Hook Community Centre with her arms raised above her head

Class Times

Hook Community Centre HCC - Sheldon Hall

Elizabeth Hall Hook EH - large hall

08.00-08.45 - EH
08.50-09.50 - EH
10.00-11.00 - EH
13.30-14.30 - HCC
14.40-15.40 - HCC

08.00-08.45 - HCC
08.55-09.55 - HCC
17.00-18.00 - HCC
18.00-19.00 - HCC

All classes run term-time only
Spaces are limited and therefore booking is required in all sessions
£10.25 - 1 hour classes
£8.25 - 45 minute classes
Paid upfront in blocks of 5-7 weeks
1st class - pay as you go to give it a try!

Email me to book a place


About Katie

I have always had a passion for feeling fit and healthy, which lead to a degree in Physiotherapy.

I'd love to help you to experience feeling better too.

Since training as a Pilates instructor in 2002, I've enjoyed teaching Pilates classes in and around Hook, Hampshire.

I encourage all participants to exercise within their ability level

I teach small group classes for up-to 15 people, in a fun, friendly and compassionate manner. We work hard, but also enjoy a good laugh too!

Adults of all ages, from beginners and beyond

Movements and positions can be modified to suit your needs

Correct technique is important in Pilates, so I encourage you to work on your technique, rather than pushing beyond your ability level.  However, movements can be modified to provide an extra challenge when required.

No specialist clothing or equipment is needed - except your own mat, water bottle and towel and comfortable clothes

I especially love teaching the Basics to Beginners, with lots of variety and a clear and kind teaching style.

Men Love My Classes Too!

Join me in a Pilates class soon and see the benefits for yourself. 
Read on to check out the testimonials & see what my members say.
If you've always wanted to try Pilates but been too afraid to start -

Give my classes a try! Spaces are limited and booking is essential

BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy 
CYQ Level 3 Teaching matwork Pilates
Level 4 Diploma in Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching - Institute of Health Sciences
Certified Breath Coach - Yoga Body
Mindfulness Teacher - 10 of zen
Pure Stretch Course
Diploma in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction - Centre of Excellence
Small equipment Pilates courses
Emergency first aid at work

Email Me


"I have thoroughly enjoyed Katie’s Pilates for over ten years.  
Her ability to tailor a class to wide range of physical abilities and ages is a credit to her physiotherapy background, and everyone feels able to reach their potential and stretch themselves even further when she notices you’re finding exercises too easy. Katie constantly evolves the class, introducing new techniques and elements of other mind/body disciplines in a gentle way, giving everyone the confidence to ‘give it a go’, and we do have a lot of fun laughing at ourselves getting in a tangle sometimes!
The de-stressing effects of breathing exercises and well deserved relaxation at the end of the class leave us fully refreshed to embrace the day. Thank you so much, Katie, for all your help and encouragement." - Mel

"I've been attending Katie's Pilates classes for over 10 years and love that everything is tailored to your individual needs. Great bunch of ladies - we also have a good giggle!" - Jo

"After many years of severe back pain, ending in surgery and physiotherapy, my wife noticed my physiotherapy exercises were similar to her Pilates class and so encouraged me to join Katie’s Pilates with her. Being the only male in the class was a little daunting but as the benefits became apparent, I was more determined to continue. Katie is a very careful and considerate teacher and at no time do I ever feel pressured into doing more than I am able." - Philippe

"I started Katie’s Pilates classes about 4 years ago to increase my overall fitness level and core strength. The sessions are very relaxed and great fun and I love the buzz I feel when I’ve conquered a tricky move! She’s particularly good at tailoring the exercises to an easier or harder level, depending on the individual, and the small class sizes means she is aware of everyone’s needs.
The standard of the video lessons is just as high, and her clear instructions and demonstrations make the exercises simple to follow; it’s like she’s in the room helping you! Her calm and encouraging approach makes you confident to practise the routines at home and she offers fresh ideas to challenge you as well as reminders on technique. Every set of videos includes different routines with separate stretching and relaxation an option. The videos are easy to access and the streaming quality is high.
I’ve never used online fitness before but will definitely be continuing with these!" - Caroline

"I have been coming to Katie’s Pilates classes for over 4 years. She is an amazing teacher tailoring her lesson to meet the needs of every member of the class. We are all challenged whatever level we are working at. The lessons are very well planned which keeps the class well motivated and they are fun!" - Anon

"I'm possibly one of the oldest members of my pilates class. I have always been active but I'd started to feel a bit stiff and full of aches and pains. I'm not getting any younger, but as a regular member of the class I am definitely much more supple and stronger too. Age and ability have never mattered - it's just fun and it's good for you." - Barbara

"I have been a member of Katies classes for 5 years and as an older member and a late starter to Pilates I have found Katie to be precise and watchful with her instructions at the classes." - Anon

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