Breath Work

Katie's Yoga Breathing Workshops

Feeling sluggish in the mornings?

Waking up feeling unrefreshed?

Feeling stressed much of the time? 

 Less able to focus?

Over-reacting to small things?

Going through life on auto-pilot?

Having trouble calming down for sleep ?

Struggling with energy dips during the day?

Could your digestion be better?

Yoga Breathing may help you to:-

Reduce stress

Improve Sleep

Balance energy levels

Boost Digestion

Imagine feeling rested, energised and full of zest for life!

Email me to book in

" Thank you for your sessions and your calm support without making the content and the science too inaccessible... I feel equipped with some tools and strategies to relieve stress, sleep better and remain calmer... you are never too old to learn and develop!!"  - Lynn

4-Week In-Person Workshops

Friendly group sessions




Practice at home 3 times daily

Video support

Included in the fee:-

Access to instructional videos

Guiding you through the daily practices

You'll also have email support throughout the course

Printed Workbook

Receive a printed workbook

If you miss a session, you'll have the information in the book

Record your own progress

Track your practice

Create a new daily habit

Tracy said - "I really enjoyed the one-off workshop, I found it really interesting and helpful to have plenty of time to practice different breathing techniques. Katie has a warm teaching style that facilitated a relaxed and friendly practical session. Personally, I now regularly use some of the night-time breathing techniques to help me relax – often falling asleep as I practice which is perfect! Thanks Katie"

Katie's Yoga Breathing Workshops

4-week workshop

Start with the FREE introductory video to discover more about what the 4-week workshop will cover

Week 1 - Discover how you're currently breathing and learn some simple tests to help measure where you're at now and track your progress over the 4 weeks. Do you know how to breathe using your diaphragm and what the diaphragm is?

Week 2 - Learn the 3 categories of breathing practice. You'll learn: a technique to use in the mornings to help you to feel more alert and awake; a technique for during the day, to help balance your energy levels; and a calming technique for use just before going to sleep.

Week 3 -Discover some basic science of breathing, what triggers us to breathe? Is carbon dioxide bad? Should we breathe through the nose or mouth? What about how we breathe during sleep? We'll take the discussion on sleep a little further and help you to consider whether there are any tiny steps you can take to improve your sleep.

Week 4 - Discover that breathing has the power to influence our nervous system and how this may relate to the stress response in your body. We'll also discuss stress in a little more detail. Is it always bad? Why we need stress, and what happens when it becomes chronic.

During each workshop there will be some time for connection within the group, some guided breathing practice together and some learning. Throughout the 4-weeks you'll have email support from me if needed and the video lessons to help you practice at home.

Email me at

Email me to book in

In-person Workshops


Next course dates 2024


Email to enquire today

Free Introductory Workshop Video

Find out what the 4 weeks will involve, and decide if the workshops are for you

Week 1

Breathing tests

+ learn 3 simple breathing techniques to put into practice straight away

Week 2

The 3 categories of breathing practice

+ a bonus session on how to create a new habit

+ refresher of the 3 breathing practices from week 1

Week 3

The science of breathing

+ a bonus session discussing sleep

+ we'll start adding more complexity and variety to the breathing exercises

Week 4

How breathing can influence the nervous system

+ a bonus session discussing stress

+ further progression of the breathing exercises

More Testimonials

"And breathe….a calming, self- care day spent learning to breathe in an efficient and beneficial way. Katie’s explanations and demonstrations were interesting and easy to follow with great tips on how to incorporate these simple breath techniques throughout the day to help relieve stress and anxiety. I’ve always had trouble sleeping and Katie’s Chamomile breathing technique just before bedtime has most definitely helped me achieve a more peaceful nights sleep" - Frances

"Being menopausal, I have found my stress and anxiety levels have heightened, and my sleep has also been affected. I have been taking medication to help alleviate the symptoms, but I was keen to also use natural methods as well. This is what drew me to Katie's breath workshop, because I was interested to see how I could help manage my emotions just through breath. Breath is something we all take for granted, and it was not until I attended the course, I started to become conscious of how I actually breathe! Katie was very knowledgeable, and explained the science behind why breath is so important and how small changes can make big differences. She taught several different types of breathing techniques that could be used at different times of day, depending on how you were feeling. Several months later, I still use the things I learnt at the workshop and it has definitely helped me" - SN

"The workshop provided me with an opportunity to gather my thoughts and focus on myself. I have been struggling with stress, anxiety and sleep problems. The course has shown me how to use breathwork as part of daily routine to help alleviate these issues. Katie is knowledgeable, friendly and understanding. Would definitely recommend"


"Katie’s Breathwork Workshop was excellent, with a good mixture of theory and practical breathing exercises. The small group size gave plenty of opportunities for discussion and questions in a relaxed atmosphere, and Katie’s clear videos for following at home provided additional scope for guided practice. I have already found the techniques useful in managing stress and another positive takeaway is being able to fit my preferred exercise pattern into my daily routine". 


"I found Katie's Breathwork course enlightening, beneficial and welcome. I feel able now to manage my own breathing, knowing better how my body is reacting to both welcome and unwelcome stimulus!

Thanks Katie"  LJB 

"Katie’s workshop was great and easy to understand. I have learnt some brilliant techniques to help calm me when my anxiety rises, and even help me nod off to sleep at night - thoroughly recommended!" Claire

Email Me

What's in it for you?



In-person workshops at Hook Village Halls. Meet like-minded friendly people. Learn 3 different types of Breathing practice to use in daily life. Simple, gentle and effective practices. Discover more about the science of breathing and also the impact breathing has on stress and on our nervous system. 



Not only will you learn the basic breathing practices in the in-person Workshops - but you'll also receive access to video lessons, to guide you through your daily practice at home. These will be updated as we progress the practices. You'll have access to all the videos for the full month of the course and for a month afterwards, helping you establish a new daily breath work habit. No software needed to access these, just an internet connection.



There's no need to try and remember all that we cover in the Workshops and videos because you'll also receive your own printed workbook. Use this book to add any notes during the sessions, and to refer to when practising at home. There are also spaces for you to record your breath test results, track your practice and add some reflective notes too. Plus if you miss a week of the sessions, you'll have the information in the book. 


Connection, Reflection and practice

Take this opportunity to meet new people and support each-other as you learn this new skill. Allow yourself time to reflect on how you're feeling, any benefits you notice along the way, and become more in-tune with your body and mind through breathing practice. In between each session you'll be asked to practice the 3 categories of breath work each day: one in the morning; one in the daytime;  and one before sleep, totalling approx. 10 minutes daily. 

photo of instructor doing a Pilates side plank, on a fallen tree with bluebells covering the ground behind

Have any questions?

I'm happy to answer any questions you may have.

Send me an email and we can arrange to talk on the phone

And if you're ready to book your workshop email me today!


Email me with any further queries that are not answered for you here

Q - Do I need to have done any breathing work before?

A - No - no prior experience needed

Q - Are there any Yoga poses or exercises involved?

A - No, just breathing exercises

Q - Are these practices extreme?

A - No, all the practices are safe, gentle and simple

Q - Am I expected to do any practice between the weekly workshops?

A - Yes, you'll be taught a morning, mid-day and evening practice each week and will be sent videos to remind you of each practice.  You'll be asked to practice 3 times each day, totalling approx 10 minutes daily.

Q - Do I have to sit on the floor?

A - No, all the breathing practices can be done sitting on a chair, sitting on the floor or lying down - During the workshops we'll be sitting in chairs

Q - Do I need any equipment?

A - No, You'll be provided with a workbook. You can bring a mat if you'd like to do some of the practices on the floor, but this is optional

Q - I have a medical condition, can I still attend?

A - If you have any conditions requiring regular medical check-ups you should check with your medical professional before booking in. If you have a condition, such as, but not limited to: pregnancy; uncontrolled high blood pressure; or recent surgery to the chest/abdomen/back, these workshops are sadly not for you at this time. If you're unsure ask your Doctor or email me to discuss it.

Q- Is it religious or spiritual

A - No, it's science-based and simple

Q - Will I have to chant?

A - No, there is no chanting involved

Q - Will it make me feel strange?

A - No, the practices are all very gentle

Q - What is involved in a workshop session?

A - We'll spend a few minutes doing a breathing technique to help us feel more alert. We'll have a short moment for connection, to discuss how we're getting on. I'll run a brief teaching session on a different topic each week, then we'll practice 2 other breathing techniques. You'll go home with access to video lessons of the 3 breathing practices to help you when you're practising at home.

Email to book in
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